Policy on Distance Learning and Supervision

As the Graduate Faculty of the Department of Counselor Education, it is our responsibility to teach students to effectively engage in the process of counseling. This process is one which uses the power of interpersonal relationships in creating beneficial change. We believe, therefore, that the interpersonal interaction found in a traditional classroom setting is a valuable and essential teaching tool. Therefore, we are committed to maintaining the face-to-face learning environment. At the same time, we appreciate the many benefits of alternative instructional methodologies such as those found in online classrooms. We believe that our students are best served when these methodologies are used to supplement and enhance, rather than completely replace, the face-to-face interactions found within the traditional classroom. 

In keeping with this philosophy, the delivery methodologies for the courses in the graduate counseling programs fall within a few broad categories based on what is believed to be the most effective pedagogy for each course.  These broad categories are described as follows.

Some courses in the developmental sequence have been selected and approved to be offered in a face-to-face format. These courses may have limited, if any, web-enhancement. More specifically, any use of online methodologies by faculty to substitute for more than 25% of face-to-face class meetings in any course other than those officially designated as hybrid requires approval by department faculty.  

Some courses in the developmental sequence have been selected and approved to be offered in a hybrid format. These designated hybrid courses will utilize a traditional face-to-face approach for 50% of the class experience, and they will utilize online methodologies for 50% of the class experience. How each class period will be designated as face-to-face or online will vary by course.

For practicum and internship courses, it is the expectation that all meetings will be face-to-face. However, if an individual student’s situation necessitates a distance learning arrangement, such requests will be considered on a case-by-case basis. In order to be considered, the student must submit a request in writing during the placement process for the semester during which the accommodation will be needed. These written requests will be submitted to the Chair of Counselor Education for consideration and approval of department faculty. Students who receive permission for a distance supervision arrangement will attend a minimum of five class-related meetings in person throughout the semester as approved by the university supervisor.