College of Education
Dean: P. Bull
Associate Dean for Graduate Programs: J Putnam
College of Education Assessment Coordinator: M. Porter
Coordinator of EdD in Organizational Leadership Studies: Interim - P. Bull
Coordinator of EdD in Curriculum and Instruction: J. Putnam
Coordinator of EdD in Educational Leadership: D. Lamb
Coordinator of MA in Curriculum and Instruction Programs and Concentration Pathways: J. Van Cleave
Coordinator of MA in Instructional Technology: P. Bull
Coordinator of MA in School Administration: S. Stone
Professors: P. Bull, B. Boyles, S. Brown
Associate Professors: J. Putnam, S. Stone, J. Van Cleave, D. Lamb
Assistant Professors: M. Porter, A. Sanders
The Gardner-Webb University College of Education equips candidates to impact communities through innovative, collaborative leadership by applying principles of learning and continuous improvement to foster meaningful intellectual thought, critical analysis, spiritual challenge, and preparation for success within a diverse world.
Gardner-Webb University College of Education is a premier catalyst for positive, sustainable change.
The Gardner-Webb University College of Education consists of members dedicated to demonstrating innovation, creativity, teamwork, problem solving, flexibility, adaptability, and a commitment to continuous learning. Specifically, these knowledge practices include:
- Principles of ongoing reflection, continuous improvement, and evidence-based decision-making;
- Caring relationships characterized by high ethical standards, collaboration, and shared decision-making;
- Leadership skills focused on social and emotional intelligence, understanding group dynamics within diverse communities, and facilitating meaningful individual and collective development; and
- Interactive learning environments utilizing innovative and appropriate tools and strategies to expand opportunities for individual and collective development.
College of Education Student Learning Outcomes
Through demonstrating these values to candidates at the initial and advanced levels in addition to engaging candidates in clinical experiences and coursework, the College of Education works to create graduates who are:
- Culturally competent;
- Content knowledge experts;
- Evidence-based decision-makers;
- Reflective and effective practitioners;
- Innovative integrators of appropriate technology; and
- Ethical and collaborative leaders of internal stakeholders as well as families and communities.
Major Fields of Study
The college offers the following Master of Arts degrees.
Curriculum and Instruction (no specific concentration)
Curriculum and Instruction with a concentration in Academically/Intellectually Gifted Education
School Administration
Instructional Technology
The college offers Educational Specialist degrees in Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Leadership.
The college offers the following Doctor of Education degrees.
Curriculum and Instruction
Educational Leadership
Organizational Leadership