Policy on Post-Master's Certificate Coursework

Gardner-Webb counseling students frequently inquire about completing additional coursework to support application for additional counseling-related licensures. While we do not offer licensure-only programs, it is possible for graduates of one of our counseling programs to complete a Post-Master’s Certificate in either clinical mental health counseling or school counseling to complete additional educational requirements necessary for seeking licensure in these areas. Previous Gardner-Webb counseling graduates may apply for consideration at any point post-graduation, consistent with the deadlines listed below. In order to honor these deadlines, currently enrolled students may apply to be considered for the Post-Master’s Certificate of their choice during the final semester of their degree program. If approved, Post-Master’s Certificate coursework may begin only after graduation. Completion of the additional courses does not result in the awarding of an additional degree. It merely allows for the opportunity to seek the licensing credential associated with that degree program.

The process for pursuing a Post-Master’s Certificate coursework is as follows:

  1. Applicant completes the Intent Form found in the Department of Counselor Education Graduate Student Handbook and submits form to the Chair of Counselor Education by February 15 (to begin courses in Summer or Fall) or September 15 (to begin courses in Spring); applications received after the deadline may be considered as space and resources allow.
  2. Chair consults with the coordinator of the program from which applicant graduated to confirm applicant graduated in good standing;
  3. Chair consults with the coordinator of the program in which applicant wishes to take post-master's courses to determine whether applicant’s request can be accommodated at this time;
  4. If appropriate, applicant will be invited to participate in an interview with program faculty;
  5. If interview process is successful, applicant will be asked to submit an application to the School of Graduate Studies for non-degree-seeking student status and to submit a current criminal background check (if graduation from the counseling program occurred one year or more from the desired start date);
  6. Notification of final admission decision will come from the School of Graduate Studies.

Post-Master's Certificate in Clinical Mental Health Counseling

Graduates of Gardner-Webb’s MA in Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program who complete this Post-Master’s Certificate and pursue licensure will have the opportunity to seek careers in a variety of settings including, but not limited to, mental health agencies, non-profit organizations providing therapeutic services, college counseling centers, and private practice settings. The Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate (LCMHCA) licensure is the first tier of state licensure in NC and is a restricted license that requires supervision before one is eligible to apply for unrestricted licensure status as a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LCMHC). The courses outlined below supplement courses completed by Gardner-Webb School Counseling graduates and meet the North Carolina Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors (NCBLCMHC) educational requirements for licensure as an LCMHCA. Completion of these courses does not guarantee licensure. Students enrolled in Post-Master’s Certificate courses are also responsible for meeting all additional licensure requirements (exams, supervision, etc.) found on the North Carolina Board of Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselors website (ncblcmhc.org).

Upon completion of certification requirements, candidates are required to apply for graduation and pay the Graduate Certificate Fee. Candidates applying past the deadline for the semester in which they completed their certificate requirements will be charged the Late Graduate Certificate Fee.

Individuals interested in licensure in states outside of NC should consult licensing requirements for that state to guide selection of elective courses to complete.

Required Courses (21 Credit Hours)

CEDU 618Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling Programs


CEDU 660Substance Use Disorders Counseling


CEDU 675School Counseling Practicum


CEDU 695School Counseling Internship I


CEDU 696School Counseling Internship II


Please note that these course requirements are based on completion of Gardner-Webb's 48-hour School Counseling Program. If you graduated from an earlier Gardner-Webb counseling program, it is your responsibility to consult with the licensing board to confirm that these courses will meet your needs. Admission to courses not included on the above list will be considered consistent with current transient credit policy.

Post Master's Certificate in School Counseling

Graduates of Gardner-Webb’s MA in School Counseling Program who complete this Post-Master’s Certificate and pursue licensure will have the opportunity to seek employment as Professional School Counselors in a variety of educational settings. The courses outlined below supplement courses completed by Gardner-Webb Clinical Mental Health Counseling graduates and meet the NC Department of Public Instruction's educational requirements for licensure as a School Counselor. Completion of these courses does not guarantee licensure. Students enrolled in Post-Master’s Certificate courses are also responsible for successful completion of the appropriate licensing exam (PRAXIS II: School Counselor: 5422).

Upon completion of certification requirements, candidates are required to apply for graduation and pay the Graduate Certificate Fee. Candidates applying past the deadline for the semester in which they completed their certificate requirements will be charged the Late Graduate Certificate Fee.

Individuals interested in licensure in states outside of NC should consult licensing requirements for that state.

Required Courses (12 Credit Hours)

CEDU 618Comprehensive Developmental School Counseling Programs


CEDU 675School Counseling Practicum


CEDU 695School Counseling Internship I


CEDU 696School Counseling Internship II


Please note that these add-on licensure requirements are based on completion of Gardner-Webb's current 60-hour Clinical Mental Health Counseling Program. If you graduated from an earlier GWU counseling program, it is your responsibility to consult with the Department of Public Instruction to confirm that these courses will meet your needs. Admission to courses not included on the above list will be considered consistent with current transient credit policy.