PRE Grading Policy
- PRE Credit-bearing Courses
In situations where students are satisfying a PRE requirement through a course, the grading policies of that course are in effect and that student’s course grades will be factored into the student’s grade point average (GPA) according to standard policy. However, to meet the PRE graduation requirement a student must earn a “C” or better in the course. Passing a PRE (i.e., earning a “C” or better in the course) will be indicated in the student’s records by a grade of “P”; failing a PRE (i.e., earning a “C-“ or less in the course) will be indicated by a grade of “F.”
A+, A, A-, B+, B, C+, C course grades = P (passed PRE)
C-, D+, D, D-, F course grades = F (failed PRE)
- PRE Experiences Taken Independently from Credit-bearing Courses
When a student is taking a Professional Readiness Experience independent of a course, the student’s work will be graded on a Pass/Fail basis. Passing grades for independent PREs (indicated in Banner with PREX prefixes) should reflect a quality of work equivalent to a grade of “C” or better. Passing a PRE (i.e., earning a “C” or better) will be indicated in the student’s records by a grade of “P”; failing a PRE (i.e., earning a “C-“ or less) will be indicated by a grade of “F.”
As these experiences do not carry credit hours, the Pass/Fail grades do not provide quality points nor are they figured into GPA calculations. A “P” (i.e., passing) in an independent PRE indicates fulfillment of the PRE graduation requirement.
NOTE: All independent PRE Pass/Fail grades must be submitted to Registrar Services by the instructor/mentor/supervisor of the PRE through the normal grade reporting channels to ensure proper crediting and record keeping of these experiences.