Dimensions Program

Dimensions is weekly series of programs designed to nurture persons spiritually, intellectually, and culturally in the context of the Christian faith and to promote a sense of community. All Gardner-Webb Traditional Undergraduate students, including transfer students, are required to satisfactorily complete 4 semesters of Dimensions in order to graduate. To meet this requirement, students must attend at least 10 programs per semester. Every student automatically will be registered for a Dimensions course each semester until four semesters have been successfully completed. Transfer students must satisfactorily complete a Dimensions course each semester until they graduate or until four semesters have been successfully completed. Part-time students must complete a Dimensions course for every 15 hours of credit earned at Gardner-Webb until four semesters of Dimensions have been successfully completed. (The Dimensions courses are numbered 111-114).

As Dimensions does not carry credit hours, the Pass/Fail grades do not provide quality points nor are they figured into GPA calculations. A “P” (i.e., passing) in four Dimensions courses indicates fulfillment of the graduation requirement. Students receiving an “F” in Dimensions must repeat the course the following semester.