
Information Literacy Graduation Requirement

All Gardner-Webb Traditional Undergraduate Students entering in Fall 2010 or after must complete three Information Literacy (IL) course as a graduation requirement. This requirement will be fulfilled by completing two IL courses in the General Education Curriculum (Level 1 and Level 2) and one IL course taught in the major (Level 3). Level 2 IL courses are aligned to WI Tier 2 courses and will meet the same requirement.

Level 1: ENGL 102

Level 2: Any WI General Education course taken after ENGL 102. These courses vary from semester to semester; but sections meeting the requirement will be labeled “WI2” during the registration process for each semester. This designation will also appear with the course in the students’ degree audit.

Level 3: One IL course in the major. These courses are identified by an “IL3” within the catalog course description, on the course listings for registration, and in the students’ degree audit.

Transfer Credit for Information Literacy Courses

Level 1: Transfer credit for ENGL 102 will meet the Level 1 IL requirement.

Level 2: Students transferring under the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement or who have received transfer credit for all General Education requirements are considered to have met this requirement

Level 3: Transfer credit does not meet this requirement