Master's Programs

The Master of Arts in Education builds upon the instructional expertise, leadership qualities, and skills of experienced educators. The programs are aligned with the INTASC Principles and the NCDPI competencies required for licensure. The programs include rigorous academic preparation in and implementation of the latest research on human development and learning. Consequently, reflective practice becomes an integral component which supports the Gardner-Webb conceptual framework. Active participation in a program allows students to develop further those competencies essential to professional education and continued self-improvement, thus exemplifying the model of the Educator as Theorist and Practitioner.

Upon successful completion of a graduate program in education, and a passing score on the appropriate Praxis, if required, students who hold initial licensure will be recommended for the North Carolina graduate license in the appropriate licensure area.


Curriculum Leadership and Instructional Coaching K-12 (formerly Teacher Leadership in Curriculum and Instruction (MTLCI))

Curriculum Leadership and Instructional Coaching K-12 (formerly MTLCI) in Academically/Intellectually Gifted Education

School Administration (formerly Executive Leadership Studies)

Instructional Technology

Application for Graduate Licensure

An application for the North Carolina graduate-level license must be filed with the Licensure Section of the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). With the exception of the school counseling program, one must hold, or be eligible to hold, an “A”-level license before applying for a graduate-level license. Students pursuing both graduate- and undergraduate-level licensure must meet the requirements for both levels. Students seeking a recommendation for graduate “licensure only” must meet the same licensure requirements as those students pursuing the graduate degree.

Upon completion of an approved program and satisfactory scores on the appropriate PRAXIS II examination (if applicable) or 100% proficiency on the electronic portfolio (if applicable), the student must submit Form V and a self-addressed, stamped envelope to Gardner-Webb’s Licensure Officer. The Licensure Officer will verify the degree, sign Form V, and return Form V to the student with an official Gardner-Webb transcript.

The student is responsible for submitting all documents to NCDPI and should refer to NCDPI’s website for a list of all documents to be submitted. An application fee is required. Checks in payment for state licensure must be made payable to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

Special Licensure Students

Initial “A”-Level Licensure: Applicants who hold a baccalaureate degree but who do not hold a North Carolina “A”-level Teacher’s License or its equivalent may apply for admission as non-degree-seeking students to the approved program for teacher licensure. The College of Education and the appropriate department offering the specialty studies will evaluate all undergraduate work.

Graduate-Level Licensure: In some programs, students may pursue graduate-level licensure without pursuing a graduate degree. Applicants who have earned a master’s degree and who wish to earn a graduate-level license in an additional area of specialization may apply for admission as non-degree-seeking students. An evaluation of undergraduate and graduate work is required to determine courses necessary for graduate-level licensure. Students must successfully complete the appropriate specialty area portion of the PRAXIS.

Public School Personnel: Public school teachers applying for the first time for courses solely for “A”-level license renewal credit may be admitted as non-degree-seeking students by completing the School of Graduate Studies application form and by presenting an official transcript showing completion of the bachelor’s degree. If, however, credit is to be applied to a graduate degree, the student must make specific application for this credit before the completion of six hours, as well as meet all requirements for admission as a graduate degree student. Public school teachers and administrators applying for the first time for courses solely for graduate-level license renewal credit may be admitted as non-degree-seeking students by completing the School of Graduate Studies application and by submitting an official transcript showing completion of the master’s degree.