Withdrawal Policies

Withdrawal, Suspension, and Expulsion Policies

Voluntary termination of enrollment during the course of a semester or summer term is defined as withdrawal. Dismissal from school for a specified period of time is defined as suspension. Dismissal from school for an expulsion is permanent. The University reserves the right to suspend or expel any student or students when it believes that such action is in the best interest of the institution and/or the student(s). This action will take place only after careful consideration and consultation with the student or students in question and all other parties with information pertinent to the matter at hand. Any student withdrawing from school before the end of a term (up until the last day of classes) is required to complete and submit the online “Withdrawal Form for Traditional Undergraduate Students” in WebbConnect.

Involuntary withdrawals will be processed by the University for any student that receives a disciplinary suspension or expulsion from the University. The involuntary withdrawal will be processed and dated based on the date of the suspension or expulsion.

Students leaving the University for disciplinary reasons will not be eligible for any reduction and will be liable for the entire semester charge.

Any withdrawal will require reapplication. See Admissions.

Removal from Class

Students are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that does not distract from or disrupt the educational pursuits of others. Should an instructor determine that a student’s conduct is distracting or disruptive to the educational environment in the classroom or online environment, the instructor may request the disruptive student to leave the class immediately. Such students may not return to the classroom or online environment until they have met with the instructor and offered assurances that they can conduct themselves in an appropriate manner. The instructor reserves the right to inform the Dean of Students. If the student is dismissed from the class permanently because of disruptive behavior or other violations of the Code of Student Conduct, the student’s final grade will follow the grading period for a “W” or a “WP/WF,” depending on the date of the dismissal.

In the event that a student refuses to remove him/herself upon request, the instructor should contact University Police immediately. A University Police Officer will then escort the disruptive student to the Office of the Vice President of Student Development and Dean of Students for possible disciplinary action.

Medical Withdrawal Policy

Any registered student who experiences medical trauma or a chronic illness that may prevent completion of the semester may apply for a medical withdrawal from the University. A medical withdrawal is a complete withdrawal from the University (i.e., not from a particular course). A request for a medical withdrawal must be submitted prior to the beginning of final exams for the semester in which the medical withdrawal is desired. A medical withdrawal request is initiated through the submission of the online Withdrawal Form located in WebbConnect prior to the beginning of final exams in the same manner as a general withdrawal from the University. In addition to the online request, the student must also provide a statement from a licensed medical or mental health professional trained in the diagnosis of the student’s medical condition. The statement should verify that the medical condition prevents the student from participating in classes or carrying out course requirements.

The statement from the medical or mental health professional must be submitted on official letterhead, addressed to the Gardner-Webb University Registrar, and include the practitioner’s name and title. The statement should indicate that the student is unable to continue in school and include the date at which the student became unable to continue (or the closest possible approximation to the date).

The student will be notified by the Registrar of the decision made by the Medical Withdrawal Committee. If the request is approved, the student will receive a final grade of “W” for each class (except in instances of Academic Dishonesty). Any adjustment in tuition will be made on a prorated basis. Once granted a withdrawal, students must apply for readmission to the University in order to continue their studies. All program admission requirements, programmatic and degree requirements, departmental student handbook, and accreditation requirements at the time of the student’s return will apply.

Any appeal for a retroactive medical withdrawal must be initiated by the end of the next Fall or Spring semester. Documentation for these appeals includes the same materials required for other medical withdrawal requests but must also include an explanation as to why the medical withdrawal request could not have been made by the normal deadline (i.e., by the beginning of final exams for the semester in which the medical withdrawal is desired).

As with any other readmission, stipulations may apply. The student must provide a statement from the same medical or mental health professional stating that the student is now able to continue studies at the University. This documentation should follow the same format as above.

Readmission of Former Students

Students who are not in attendance for one or more semesters or who withdraw during a semester for any reason must submit a formal application for readmission. Students who have been out more than 24 months must meet the curricular requirements of the current Catalog in the academic year of their return.

Former students who have attended other institutions subsequent to their enrollment at Gardner-Webb must provide an official transcript from each institution attended. Those regulations concerning the advanced standing of transfer students apply to these students. Students who leave Gardner-Webb University while on probation may request an evaluation of courses taken at other institutions after returning to good academic standing. Approval must be granted by the appropriate Associate Provost/Dean. A request may not be made for summer courses taken immediately after being placed on probation at the end of spring semester.

Students who leave Gardner-Webb University while on suspension may request an evaluation of courses taken at other institutions after returning to good academic standing. Approval must be granted by the appropriate Associate Provost/Dean. Courses taken during the semester or semesters the students were suspended are not eligible for evaluation. A request may not be made for summer courses taken immediately after being placed on suspension at the end of spring semester.

Students on suspension or probation may attend summer study at Gardner-Webb University in order to improve academic standing.

All University holds must be cleared before acceptance for readmission. These may include academic, Student Accounts, or Financial Aid holds. The student will receive an acceptance letter for readmission.

Leave of Absence Policy

The Leave of Absence Policy is designed for students who have had significant life circumstances impact their ability to maintain good academic standing and who may need to take a break from their current academic coursework (e.g., illness of family member, personal illness, significant financial distress or life-changing circumstances).

Traditional degree-seeking undergraduate students who will not be registered for Gardner-Webb University academic credit during a given semester (fall/spring) may apply for a leave of absence. A leave of absence is approved when there are extenuating circumstances that prevent the student from attending classes. Listed below are typical reasons a student would request a leave of absence.

  1. Students who have officially withdrawn from semester courses but plan to resume their education at Gardner-Webb University within two years;
  2. Students who obtain credit while on a leave from another institution in conjunction with a Gardner-Webb University program (transfer credit will be reviewed by the appropriate Gardner-Webb University personnel for possible credit);
  3. Students who, for other reasons, will not be registered at Gardner-Webb University for a semester or more;

Institutional forms of financial aid will be renewed at the same level upon return provided students meet the standard renewal requirements (GPA, application renewals, etc.). Federal and State financial aid will be determined as a result of the completion of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.

Students must be otherwise in good academic, student conduct, and financial standing. All program admission requirements, programmatic and degree requirements, departmental student handbook and accreditation requirements, at the time of student’s return, will apply. Policy may be appealed under certain circumstances.

Upon formal approval of the leave, a specific termination date by which a student must either re-enroll or request an extension is assigned. An extension of the approved leave of absence can be applied for by emailing the Office of Retention at retention@gardner-webb.edu with a request for the amount of additional time needed. A leave of absence, including extensions, is not given for more than two years during the time a student is pursuing an undergraduate degree. A student who does not re-enroll by the end of the approved leave of absence is considered to have voluntarily withdrawn from the University. The maximum of two years allowed on leave of absence applies even when those semesters are not consecutive.

Forms requesting a leave of absence are available online; the student must then obtain the signatures of the Student Accounts Office and the Advising Center, and a meeting with the Office of Retention is required.

Military Deployment Policy

A currently enrolled student may request withdrawal from courses if called to active military duty. Non-punitive grades of “W” or “WP” will be issued for the course(s) for the student’s academic record for the semester, regardless of the student’s current grade in the course(s). If a student is deployed toward the end of a semester, but still wants to complete the course, the student must contact his/her instructors to reach agreement on the terms of the completion, which may include requesting an “Incomplete.” The Student Accounts Office will give special consideration to student bills when there is a military deployment related withdrawal. A copy of the student’s military deployment orders is required.

Deceased Student Policy

Gardner-Webb University will process a complete withdrawal form upon the death of a student who is currently enrolled. Non-punitive grades of “W” or “WP” will be issued for the course(s) for the student’s academic record for the semester.

The Student Accounts Office will review the student’s account and will give special consideration in terms of any remaining charges on the student’s account.