Academic Renewal Policy

The purpose of the Academic Renewal Policy is to allow students who have done poorly during past enrollment at the University to start anew and have a chance to complete their undergraduate degree at the University. To be eligible for Academic Renewal, a student must not have been enrolled at Gardner-Webb for the previous four years prior to applying for readmission nor have received Academic Renewal previously. For students who have attempted more than 60 credit hours of work at Gardner-Webb, only the first 60 hours are eligible for academic renewal. All of the eligible hours must be considered; a student may not choose the hours to which this policy applies. Only Gardner-Webb credit hours are eligible for academic renewal. Coursework at another institution must be treated according to the current transfer credit policies.

A student who is accepted under the Academic Renewal provision is considered in good academic standing and is eligible for all academic awards and honors. All transfer work from other institutions will be considered for credit, even if the course is a repeat of a course in which the student earned a "D" or "F" at Gardner-Webb. A student who is admitted under Academic Renewal may have a career total of six repeat courses. This number does not include courses repeated prior to the student’s admission under Academic Renewal for which they do not receive credit upon their readmission to the University or courses repeated at other institutions.

Under this policy, all eligible Gardner-Webb University hours will be treated as transfer credit, i.e., grades of “C” or better will be given credit, but not counted in the Grade Point Average (GPA). Grades below "C" will not be counted as hours earned or in the GPA, with the exception of "FX" grades. "FX" grades will remain on the student’s records and count in the GPA. All Gardner-Webb credit hours approved for Academic Renewal will be treated as transfer credit for determining academic awards.

The Gardner-Webb Readmission Committee will consider a student for Academic Renewal when reviewing an application for readmission. Any student who applies for readmission and is eligible for Academic Renewal may request consideration for such at that time. In addition, the readmission committee may recommend a student applying for readmission for Academic Renewal. If approved, the student will have the right to turn down Academic Renewal if it is not desired. All previous records at Gardner-Webb will be considered during the readmission process, including academic and disciplinary actions. If a student is accepted for readmission, nothing in these records should preclude eligibility for Academic Renewal. Students may not apply for or be considered for Academic Renewal after they have been readmitted and have enrolled in their first course.