EDUC 432 Interdisciplinary Methods: Secondary

The emphasis of this course is on methods, materials and techniques of teaching in your academic discipline at the secondary level. This includes observations and practice in a public school for a minimum of 2½ days per week (licensure candidates), weekly class meetings with the course professor for discussions on assigned readings, class projects, and teaching mini-lessons, and weekly online modules preparing you for the classroom discussions and activities.

This is a blended/hybrid class: half of the class time will be spent online completing content specific learning modules (1 credit hour); half of the class time will be in class discussing what we have learned and putting it to practice with our peers (1 credit hour). If this is your pre-student teaching semester, there is also a required practical experience in the public schools (2 credit hours). If you are a non-licensure candidate, you will have a required shadowing project in a private or other school placement.

This course is open to licensure and non-licensure seeking students. Students in other licensure programs may take this course as an elective. Candidates are always encouraged to maintain and enhance their content area skills and knowledge beyond the classroom.




Admission to Teacher Education; EDUC 250 with grade of "C" or better. Non-licensure candidates: permission of the instructor based on a recommendation from the student's faculty advisor.

