EDUC 375 Classroom Leadership Seminar for Elementary and Middle Grades

This class is designed to assist Elementary and Middle Grades candidates in understanding approaches to classroom management, techniques, and procedures for establishing a supportive and positive classroom climate. Candidates will engage in multidisciplinary methods to research, evaluate, and create classroom management practices and plans to promote a positive and safe climate for all learners. Candidates will demonstrate knowledge of typical and atypical patterns of behavior, causes and effects, and how these patterns impact instruction and learning. In addition, teacher candidates will evaluate the importance of the family and other support systems when managing student behaviors and determine how the family can support the classroom environment. Six (6) hours Clinical Experience required. Clinical Experience placement requests will be communicated by the Director of Clinical Experiences. Candidates must request a placement by the deadline and complete the experience in the assigned placement. Transportation to and from placement is the responsibility of the candidate.




"C" or better in EDUC 250


Fall and Spring