EDU 312 Practicum in Literacy (K-9)

A course designed to provide experiences for the pre-service teacher in the teaching of literacy and diagnosing difficulties with literacy skills on the K-9 level. Emphasis is placed on the causes of learning disabilities that affect literacy development and achievement, diagnostic instruments, standard and informal assessment procedures, and materials and methods of literacy instruction. Candidates will work with individual students and/or small groups in the public school classroom. (A materials fee will be charged for this class.) A device capable of recording is required for this course. Thirty five (35) hours Clinical Experience required. Clinical Experience placement requests will be communicated by the Director of Clinical Experiences. Candidates must request a placement by the deadline and complete the experience in the assigned placement. Transportation to and from placement is the responsibility of the candidate




EDU 302, EDU 250, and EDU 306 with grade of "C" or better. Elementary candidates only.


Fall and Spring