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Programs of Study
Academic Catalog
Traditional Undergraduate Programs
Gardner-Webb Online
The Gayle Bolt Price School of Graduate Studies
School of Divinity
Traditional Undergraduate Course Descriptions
GWU Online Undergraduate Course Descriptions
ACC - Accounting
ART - Art
BAD - Business Administration
BIO - Biology
BKE - Birth-Kindergarten Education
CJC - Criminal Justice
COM - Communications
CSC - Computer Science
ECE - Exceptional Children Education
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
ENG - English
FIN - Finance
FRE - French
GER - German
GRK - Greek
HEA - Health
HIS - History
HMG - Healthcare Management
HPE - Health and Physical Education
HSE - Homeland Security
HUS - Human Services
LIB - Library Science
MED - Mathematics Education
CIS - Computer Information Systems
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
MTH - Mathematics
MUS - Music
NUR - Nursing
PED - Physical Education
PHI - Philosophy
PSC - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religious Studies
SCI - Science
SED - Science Education
SGL - Sign Language
SOC - Sociology
SPN - Spanish
SSC - Social Science
SST - Social Studies Education
Graduate Studies Course Descriptions
School of Divinity Course Descriptions
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EDU - Education
EDU 250
Teaching in the 21st Century Schools
EDU 251
Introduction to Effective Teaching and Learning
EDU 252
Applying Principles of Effective Teaching and Learning
EDU 302
Literacy Foundations
EDU 306
Literacy and Language Arts for K-8
EDU 310
Fine Arts Integration Seminar
EDU 311
Fine Arts Integration in 21st Century Schools
EDU 312
Practicum in Literacy (K-9)
EDU 320
Vocabulary, Comprehension and Writing Instruction
EDU 350
Diverse Populations in 21st Century Schools
EDU 375
Classroom Leadership Seminar for Elementary and Middle Grades
EDU 410
Introduction to Curriculum Integration and Assessment
EDU 435
Facilitating Learning in 21st Century Schools
EDU 450
Student Teaching