ECE 370 Specially Designed Instruction for Exceptional Learners

This course is designed to investigate and explore a variety of assessment and evaluation procedures used to determine the needs of the exceptional learner. A focus of this course will be understanding the definition of specially designed instruction as the primary justification to providing special education services to a student with a disability. Emphasis will be placed on curriculum-based assessments, progress monitoring, observation techniques, and the use of formative and summative evaluations to design appropriate learning experiences that meet the individual needs of the exceptional learner. Evaluation types for the monitoring of progress towards IEP goals as required by federal and state regulations, as well as the requirements for reporting progress will be analyzed. Types of modifications and accommodations will be evaluated and analyzed in order to determine which compliment curriculum, assessment, and are necessary to allow students access to the general education curriculum and environment. The learner will become familiar with federal and state regulations, as well as the policies governing testing participations, accommodations, and modifications which mandate requirements for assigning, implementing, and monitoring accommodations and modifications as outlined in an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan.




EDU 250 with a "C" or better, EDU 350 with a "C" or better, and ECE 270 with a "C" or better


As Needed