Transient Credit Policy

Transient credit is credit taken from another institution while a student is currently enrolled at Gardner-Webb (including summers). Students who wish to ensure that courses taken at other accredited institutions during a regular term or summer session are applicable for Gardner-Webb credit must complete a “Request to Recognize Transient Credit” form. The online form is located in WebbConnect under the Registration link. This form must be submitted to Registrar Services no later than the last class day of the semester prior to the requested semester of study.

Transient credit requests will be considered only for students who are in good academic standing at the University, and thus may not be used to improve academic standing at Gardner-Webb.

The following restrictions apply to the approval of transient credit. Transient credit will not be accepted for

  1. Students not in good academic standing (i.e., students on probation or suspension).
  2. Students who attend institutions other than regionally accredited colleges or universities.
  3. Students wishing to repeat a course in which a grade of “C-“ or lower was made at Gardner-Webb. Once a course has been taken at Gardner-Webb, a student may not receive transfer credit to replace the course.
  4. Students majoring in Biochemistry, Biology and/or Chemistry taking a science course with an online lab.
  5. Students taking a natural science course that has a two-course sequence where the first course has an online lab.

Gardner-Webb students are expected to complete the final semesters of their programs exclusively through GWU. Therefore, students enrolled in BS or BA degree programs who have earned 90 hours of credit or more are allowed to attempt to earn transient credit only in extraordinary circumstances. These circumstances must involve scheduling situations clearly beyond the student’s control (e.g., a course is only offered at the same time as another required course or the course will not be offered before a student’s anticipated graduation date). Requests involving General Education courses, which are offered regularly in multiple sections, will only be granted in exceedingly rare instances where the student can demonstrate that taking these courses earlier was not feasible and cannot be scheduled during their remaining semesters at Gardner-Webb. Students with credits beyond the aforementioned thresholds who desire to earn transient credit must submit a “Request to Waive Transient Credit Limit” form, which requires the student to demonstrate clearly the extraordinary circumstances behind their waiver request. This form must be submitted to Registrar Services at least two weeks before the last class day of the semester prior to the requested semester of study. The form can be found in WebbConnect under the Registration link.

In order to ensure that transient credit is properly documented, the student must request an official transcript from the host institution be forwarded to the Gardner-Webb Registrar. For a student taking a transient credit during the final semester of study, all such transcripts must be on file in Registrar Services prior to that semester’s Commencement ceremonies. Transient transcripts not received by this deadline will cause the student’s graduation date to be delayed.