Attendance Policy

Gardner-Webb University is grounded in the idea of educating its students holistically within the traditions of Christianity and the liberal arts. At the center of both guiding principles of the University is the idea of community and interpersonal relationships. Spiritual, moral/ethical, and intellectual growth are all broadened, enriched, and made more meaningful within a community of individual growth. Therefore, in order to ensure that students interact with others engaged in this search for growth and knowledge, Gardner-Webb University requires that students regularly attend and participate in the class meetings and activities designed to encourage aspects of this growth in each of their courses. This provides that philosophical foundation for the University's Attendance Policy which follows.

Regular class attendance is highly correlated to academic success. Students are responsible for all coursework conducted in class meetings and are required by University policy to attend a minimum of 75% of the scheduled class meetings. Failure to meet this attendance requirement in any course will result in an attendance failure reflected as @F on the academic transcript. A grade of @F negatively impacts the student’s grade point average. All absences, regardless of reason, apply toward the 25% threshold.

External licensing agencies with attendance requirements differing from University policy must be approved by the University Provost.

Instructors will maintain attendance records through the University’s approved attendance application. Students are responsible for knowing the number of absences accumulated. The instructor will clearly state the university attendance policy in the syllabus.

Excused absences include military deployment or active duty in the US Armed Forces (see Military Deployment Policy in the Academic Catalog), University sanctioned activities such as participation in academic, athletic, or other school recognized events, and personal and family emergencies.

The instructor will afford the student opportunity to fulfill required academic obligations without academic penalty for excused absences as long as the student has provided documentation for the absence and reasonable advance notice when possible. Absences that fall outside of the categories listed above will be considered unexcused, meaning that students may not be allowed to make up any missed assignments or examinations.

In face-to-face classes, attendance is counted from the first scheduled meeting. Absence from class does not excuse the student from responsibility for class work. Planned class absences for foreseeable personal circumstances or official University business must be negotiated with the instructor prior to the absence.

In online classes, attendance is counted from the student’s completion of the Enrollment Verification Activity or first required course activity or assessment, whichever comes first. Attendance satisfying the 75% requirement is measured by the documented weekly participation in the class on the part as defined by the instructor in the course syllabus. Logging into a course in Blackboard does not constitute participation or attendance in the class.

Hybrid courses will be a combination of face-to- face and online attendance. Attendance is counted from the first scheduled meeting, or from the student’s completion of the enrollment verification activity or first required course activity or assessment, whichever comes first. Hybrid courses will utilize both an attendance record keeping from scheduled face-to-face meetings and documentation from weekly participation.

Final Examinations/Assessments Comprehensive final examinations or assessments are required in every course during the scheduled examination time (see the Registrar Services website). If a comprehensive exam is given, a student who does not take the examination at the scheduled time will receive a failing grade in that course unless excused by the instructor.