WLLC 308 Culture and Remakes: Let's Go to the Movies!

This course covers Hollywood remakes of foreign films for their cultural value. Students will learn how to view films in order to analyze them using different values orientation models. They will view and discuss films from other countries and the Hollywood remakes analyzing the differences based on the cultural values from both countries involved. A variety of different films, each from a different culture, will be selected. All films will be viewed with English sub-titles. A film from each spoken language in the WLLC department will be included. The course format will be one of seminar/discussion, where the group will discuss different points of cultural values, cultural identity, cultural practice, cultural products, and cultural procedures, including cultural views on humor, violence, acceptability, and taboo. No prerequisites are required for this class. Any student may take this class. Language of instruction: English.




As Needed