Academic Support Services

Academic Advising

For students seeking the Master of Divinity or Master of Arts in Bible and Theology degree within the School of Divinity, advising is initially provided by the Associate Dean for all newly admitted students. Early in the first semester of the student’s course of study, an advisor is assigned to each student based upon the student’s choice of degree and concentration. The advisor will usually be an instructor whose specialty is in the area of the student’s concentration. Academic advising occurs in conjunction with pre-registration each semester. In addition, each student will meet for an extended conference with his/her advisor once during each twenty-seven-hour segment of the degree program.

The names of advisors are posted each semester for the benefit of students who may not otherwise be aware of their advisor’s identity. Faculty advisors are responsible for communicating with students related to preregistration and mentor conferences. Students are not routinely provided with their registration pin numbers apart from specific contact and communication with their advisor.

The director of the Doctor of Ministry program serves as the advisor for all students pursuing the Doctor of Ministry degree.

Information related to important deadlines is provided by the Administrative Assistant of the School of Divinity to all students through mass email notices. Such information is provided on multiple occasions to ensure that students have access to important issues they must address.

Learning Resource Center

The Learning Resource Center, located in the Tucker Student Center, aids all Gardner-Webb students on any problem related to writing. Qualified graduate and undergraduate students, under the direction of a coordinator specialist in writing, provide individual consultations and answer questions. Students who live off campus can receive services via telephone or video conferencing.

Dover Memorial Library

Dr. Natalie Bishop, Dean

Students, faculty, and adjunct faculty enrolled or teaching in online or distance programs are entitled to the same library privileges and services as students and faculty located at the main campus.

The Dover Memorial Library is located on the Gardner-Webb University main campus in Boiling Springs, NC. The Library’s collection includes 70,000 books, 1,021,761 eBooks, and 162 databases and is a selective depository for federal government documents. Online research and information literacy instruction is available through the Library homepage by filling out a Research Consultation Request, Library Instruction Request, or by using Reference Chat. Distance students, faculty, and adjunct faculty can access the Library's collection through the Library homepage using our collection of databases and the Library's online catalog. Library books located at the main campus and materials (books and articles) not in our collection can be requested through Interlibrary Loan. Requested items will be delivered either electronically or through the mail.  

Students, faculty, and adjunct faculty will be prompted for their WebbConnect username and password when accessing the Library's databases, eBooks, and Interlibrary Loan forms from off-campus.

Noel Center for Disability Resources

Cheryl Potter, Director

The Noel Center for Disability Resources provides reasonable accommodations and services to qualifying students with disabilities. Upon acceptance to the University, the student should register with the Center using the following link:

Professional documentation of the disability and its functional limitations should be uploaded to the registration paper or sent directly to the Noel Center at Documentation Guidelines are available on the Noel Center Home page.

Once eligibility has been determined, the student is assigned an Accessibility Advisor who will work collaboratively with the student to determine reasonable accommodations and services. The Accessibility Advisor will work with the student throughout his or her time at Gardner-Webb, and can provide assistance with developing effective study skills as well as organizational, time management, and test taking strategies.

The Noel Center is located in Frank Nanney Hall and can be reached at 704-406-4271 or at