DEOL 734 Ethics, Ideology, and Personal Leadership

Leaders are regularly called upon to make ethical judgments. This part of the module will focus on the role and responsibilities of a leader as an ethical role model, decision-maker, and teacher. Students will review and analyze current legal and ethical issues for professional learning communities. Through the use of case studies and a problem-based approach to learning, students will have an opportunity to analyze and develop their decision-making skills within the context of an ethical and moral framework. The course addresses the factors influencing organizational citizenship behavior. Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) is a construct of multiple dimensions. Organ (1988) defined five factor dimensions of OCB. The factors are civic virtue, conscientiousness, altruism, courtesy, and sportsmanship. OCB is the measure of frequency of extra-role or discretionary behavior. The course also explores the relationship between a leader and a follower. Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory describes the two-way relationship between a leader and a follower, or subordinate. LMX presupposes that each relationship between a leader and subordinate is different. LMX operates as a construct with multiple dimensions including contribution, loyalty, affect, and professional respect. The course addresses the bases for conflict, the approaches to resolve conflict, and the principles of dealing with difficult people. Types of conflict, personal and professional motivations, and the principles of a win-win resolution are topics to be explored. It will address the set of values and beliefs about the way the social, economic, and political systems should be organized and operated and recommendations about how those values and beliefs should be put into effect. Major ideologies will be studied for the purpose of understanding how to deal with ideological conflicts and to successfully manage those relationships.






Internship/Portfolio Review Fee